Hannie Boutique has over 7 years of experience in the high-end fashion market, specializing in handbags, shoes, clothing, jewelry and accessories. Our products are of the highest quality ranging across a variety of global brands.
Moreover, our leather goods are all made from real leather. Please take special care for them in order to keeping them new-nice-fresh as long as possible.
Liaising directly with manufacturers in Hong Kong, our jewelry is tailor made and hand crafted by experienced artisans using gold, natural diamonds and other beautiful materials – perfect for those with a passion for excellence in first class jewelry.
All products are competitively priced against a benchmark of quality to ensure customer satisfaction – first time, every time.
Shipping is available worldwide, delivered to your doorstep via EMS within 2-7 business days. (the time is varying depends on where you are located.)
Facebook Pages:
Bags – Hannie Boutique
Shoes – Hannie Boutique
Clothing – Hannie Boutqiue
Jewelry – Hannie Boutique
For further information or reseller enquiries, please contact us directly through Zalo/Viber/WeChat/WhatsApp:
+61 432468899 (Bags and Accessories)
+61 457379999 (High Jewelry)
+84 868335776 (Shoes)
+84 988220969 (Luxury Clothing)
Email: hannie.boutique9999@gmail.com
PRESTIGE, QUALITY and CUSTOMER SERVICE are our top priorities
Happy shopping!